Partnerships, Programs, and Platforms: Addressing Social Determinants of Health through Multi-Sector Data Sharing

Partnerships, Programs, and Platforms: Addressing Social Determinants of Health through Multi-Sector Data Sharing

This scan reflects a broad synthesis of information from published, peer-reviewed articles as well as web sites, blogs, conference presentations, and interviews with a variety of experts on social determinants of health and health equity.

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Interest in addressing these social, environmental, and other nonmedical determinants of health and well-being has accelerated rapidly in recent years. Across the country, health and human services policymakers, service providers, researchers, advocates, and data scientists are looking for better, faster, and more efficient ways to connect people with the services and resources they need to lead healthier, more productive and self-sufficient lives.

Co-launched in 2017 by Stewards of Change Institute and AcademyHealth the National Interoperability Collaborative (NIC) is a “community of networks” founded to help promote technology strategies and best practices for collaborative and integrative multi-sector work among health and human services organizations to address social determinants of health and well-being.

This scan builds on previous work from NIC on interoperability and is geared toward those who are beginning social determinants work, preparing to scale up existing programs, or looking for new partners and focuses on intersections among health, human services, and public health initiatives and organizations.

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Margo Edmunds, Ph.D., FAMIA

Vice President, Evidence Generation and Translation - AcademyHealth

As Vice President for Evidence Generation and Translation, Dr. Margo Edmunds leads AcademyHealth's portfolios ... Read Bio