The AcademyHealth Professional Development Catalog provides a detailed list of upcoming virtual offerings including: webinars, Google Hangouts, and seminars led by experts in the field.
Faculty: Samuel N. Forjuoh, M.D., M.P.H., Dr.PH., FGCP, Texas A&M College of Medicine; Marco Huesch, Ph.D., University of Southern California (moderator); Ernest Moy, M.D., M.P.H., AHRQ; Matthew Rousculp Ph.D., M.P.H. GlaxoSmithKline; Anna Scott, Ph.D., United Health Group; LeChauncy Woodard, M.D., M.P.H., U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
John Cutler, Office of Personnel Management, Moderator; William Marton, Ph.D., ASPE; Brian Burwell, Truven Health Analytics; Enid Kassner, M.S.W. AARP Scorecard
‘Why Tweet?’ was the first in a three-part webinar series from the EDM Forum in collaboration with the AcademyHealth Translation and Dissemination Institute. In this session, new users learned the basics of Twitter as well as some tips, tricks, and guidance on strategy to achieve Twitter’s maximum potential.
This two-part free seminar series, taught by Dr. Lynn Whitener of Information Packaging, LLC, is designed for library and information professionals with an interest in learning more about research resources for topics in health services, delivery, and outcomes. The first seminar, taught by Dr. Whitener and Ione Auston of NICHSR at the National Library of Medicine, provides a robust overview of PubMed search filters designed especially to identify health services research (HSR), as well as a new resource to identify comparative effectiveness research. The second seminar addresses specialized resources for HSR, including HSRProj, a database of ongoing research in the field of HSR, and HSRR, a database of datasets, measures, and indices.
Faculty: Ashish K. Jha, M.D., M.P.H., Harvard Global Health Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, and VA Boston Healthcare System (moderator); Gregory Curfman, M.D., Executive Editor, New England Journal of Medicine; Edward Livingston, M.D., Deputy Editor, JAMA; Patrick S. Romano, M.D., M.P.H., Co-Editor in Chief, Health Services Research; Sarah Dine, Senior Deputy Editor, Health Affairs