In 2014, AcademyHealth and the ABIM Foundation partnered to assess and discuss the current landscape and opportunities, priorities, and challenges related to sponsoring, conducting, and disseminating research related to health care resource use.

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The authors of this paper assessed the landscape, priorities, and challenges related to sponsoring, conducting, and disseminating research focused on health care resource utilization. This scan consisted of a review of the recently completed and ongoing projects highlighted in the Health Services Research Projects in Progress (HSRProj) database supported by the National Library of Medicine. Additionally, the review included a survey of key national experts on priority research and/or policy questions and the priority areas for improving the feasibility of health care resource utilization research. This report highlighted themes that emerged from the February 2014 multi-stakeholder meeting hosted by AcademyHealth and the ABIM Foundation where participants used this review as a backdrop to discuss the crucial research priorities and needs to reduce low-value care.