Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health Services and Policy Research Recommendations to AcademyHealth from the Advisory Group on DEI in HSR
This publication presents the final recommendations of an external advisory group AcademyHealth convened to help shape a sustainable, action-oriented strategy to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field.
As a leading professional organization for a field working to improve health and health care for all, AcademyHealth continues to build on its previous work and strengthen our commitment to model, lead, and influence progress toward racial equity.
To assist these efforts, AcademyHealth convened a panel of highly accomplished external advisors to inform a sustainable, action-oriented strategy to address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in health services research (HSR). The group was co-chaired by Dorcas Lind, Dr. Margo Edmunds, and Dr. Abdul Shaikh.
The recommendations are grouped in five overarching themes which call on AcademyHealth to:
- Be a catalyst for changing the field of HSR to address racism and promote equity by becoming a resource for members and others.
- Elevate the importance and visibility of health equity research and researchers within HSR.
- Promote and develop the careers of health equity researchers and improve workforce diversity in HSR.
- Promote quality, accountability, and transparency of health equity data and research methods.
- Increase support for health equity research through meaningful partnerships and collaborations.
The group’s recommendations recognize AcademyHealth’s role in the broader HSR ecosystem - as an employer, membership organization, convener, and a thought leader. They also consider opportunities to leverage the organization’s reputation and sphere of influence, including relationships with our members, partners, stakeholders, and the larger research community, including funders.
Download and read the report, then share your thoughts on how these activities should be prioritized here.
You can also read a one-pager summary of the report here and view a presentation of these remarks that took place at our 2021 Annual Research Meeting here.