Member Engagement is Pivotal to this Programming to Address Member Social Needs
New Study Snapshot examines the challenges and lessons learned from Medicaid managed care organizations in addressing social determinants of health
Addressing inequities in health care access and outcomes among vulnerable and underserved populations is becoming a top priority for states. Many states are leveraging the care coordination and preventative care capabilities of managed care organizations (MCOs) to address the nonmedical needs of Medicaid enrollees.
This Study Snapshot summarizes research from Bettye Apenteng, Ph.D., Samuel Opoku, MBChB, Ph.D., and Charles Owens, M.S.A., at Georgia Southern University, who conducted interviews with representatives from eight regional and national MCOs serving eight states to learn more about MCOs’ lessons learned and emerging practices from efforts to address their members’ social needs. Study findings suggest that member engagement is pivotal to this programing, along with actively listening to community partners to inform a community-embedded approach to services.
Full findings are available in Population Health Management.
This project is funded as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems program, managed by AcademyHealth.