Dr. Wilcox is a Professor of Medicine and the Director of the Center for Applied Clinical Informatics, Institute for Informatics, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine. He has broad experience in both applied and research informatics, both in academia and healthcare delivery organizations. He leads strategy and activities related to application of informatics tools and methods to improve clinical care and research. Nationally, he is noted for his work with designing, developing and sustaining data systems for populations with research and electronic health record data; for design and implementation of health information systems; and for advancing methods in sustainability of data systems.

Authored by Adam Wilcox, Ph.D.

Blog Post

What’s the Big LLM Deal? How AI, Machine Learning, and Large Language Models (LLMs) are Changing the Field

Dr. Wilcox, one of the AcademyHealth’s Leveraging AI for High-Impact Health Research course instructors, shares his perspective on AI’s evolution, from the early days of Deep Blue to the latest breakthroughs in generative AI, and what it means for health research today.
Posted By Adam Wilcox, Ph.D.