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AcademyHealth Blog

Welcome to the AcademyHealth blog, together with our members, we promote interaction across the health research and policy arenas by bringing together a broad spectrum of players to share their perspectives. Here we offer important perspectives from people passionate about expanding access to care, reducing costs and improving quality, as well as updates on AcademyHealth activities relevant to the community.

Blog Post

Data Equity and LGBTQ Populations: Why Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data Matters

AcademyHealth member and HDLI panelist Dr. Kellan Baker and Caroline Medina, data equity experts at Whitman-Walker Institute, share why it’s critical for the field of health services research to collect and use high-quality data on sexual orientation and gender identity to guide the provision of optimal care for all and to close LGBTQ population health disparities.
Blog Post

Reproductive Justice and Community-Engaged Research in Understanding the Impacts of Dobbs

On March 6, reproductive health and justice experts shared their thoughts on the role of health services research in examining the wide-ranging impact of the Dobbs decision. These are Dr. Monica McLemore’s remarks on the importance of community-engaged approaches to conduct this research.
Posted Mar 18, 2024 By Monica McLemore, Ph.D., M.P.H, RN