Artificial Intelligence in Health Services Research: The Future of the Field
This report summarizes ideas and insights from a multistakeholder convening (June 2024) and prioritization effort hosted by AcademyHealth. These activities explored the impact and implications of AI use across the HSR ecosystem.
Artificial intelligence (AI), increasingly used to enhance or support activities throughout the research lifecycle, can advance the conduct of health services research (HSR). The field of HSR can also play an important role in generating evidence on the application and impact of AI in health care and research settings. AcademyHealth hosted a series of activities to examine the current state of AI use and study in HSR, and to identify associated challenges and opportunities that may guide next steps for the field. Intended as a precursor to help inform future work, these activities involved experts from across the field with diverse perspectives on the current and future states of AI use for HSR.
This resource summarizes the ideas and insights raised by participants of a virtual convening (June 2024) and related prioritization activity, which may help inform next steps for preparing the field to ethically and effectively undertake the use and study of AI.
AI for HSR: Use Cases for AI across the Research Lifecycle »
AI for HSR: Glossary of Key Terms »