Read on Washington: October 13 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
Dr. Lisa Simpson reflects on what has happened, and what has not, in Washington over the last two weeks.
Read on Washington: October 2 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
After a busy week in Washington, this regular advocacy-related review of events in D.C. takes a moment to acknowledge the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas.
(published at 11:35 a.m., Oct. 2)
(published at 11:35 a.m., Oct. 2)
Read on Washington: September 15 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
The latest developments in Washington, including notes on appropriations, movement on CHIP reauthorization, and some reflections on Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
Read on Washington: September 8 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
Congress did not waste any time upon members' return from summer recess before diving into their incredibly busy fall agenda.
Read on Washington: July 28 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
The latest developments in Washington, including the Senate's votes related to the Affordable Care Act and a potential repeal/replace/repair plan, have unfolded at a rapid pace and kept AcademyHealth, our community, and citizens throughout the country on our toes.
Read on Washington: July 21 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
The latest "Read on Washington" includes an update on the health care debate, additional details on fiscal year 2018 appropriations, events of interest, and more.
Read on Washington: July 14 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
Appropriations negotiations for fiscal year 2018, the unveiling of the Senate Republicans' health care bill, and continued discussions on the future of federal support for health services research mean busy times for AcademyHealth.
AHRQ Cuts Undermine NIH Increases in House Labor-HHS Bill
The House Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee's spending bill for fiscal year 2018 proposes a $24 million cut to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the Health Resources and Services Administration also taking hits.
Read on Washington: June 23 Advocacy Update from Lisa Simpson
This week's advocacy update includes links to summaries on the Senate's recently released health care bill, new articles on the proposal to move the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality into the National Institutes of Health, and more.