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Insurance, Medicare & Medicaid

Health care coverage, from private insurance to employer-provided health care to public programs like Medicare and Medicaid, can have various impacts on people’s use of health care and, ultimately, their health and well-being.


Access, Affordability and Insurance Design

Access to quality health care systems is essential to good health, and it is not possible without affordable, quality health insurance coverage. These policy-relevant analyses from the Research in Transforming Health and Healthcare Systems program inform strategies to ensure access to high-quality, affordable health care and insurance coverage.

Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network: Equity and Quality Improvement for Medicaid Programs (MODRN EQUIP)

AcademyHealth's Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute, as the Administrative Coordinating Center for the Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network, supports the University of Pittsburgh and 11 additional state-university research teams to develop opioid use disorder (OUD) quality measures that can be constructed at the provider level, incorporate patient experience, and center health equity.

Analyzing Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing in Medicaid Populations

With support from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foundation, AcademyHealth’s Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute in collaboration with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is assessing syphilis testing among pregnant Medicaid beneficiaries as well as rates of STI testing of state Medicaid beneficiaries on PrEP.

Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network (MODRN) Corrections to Community (CtC) Study

Enrolling in Medicaid immediately following incarceration is an important tool to support successful reentry, particularly for individuals with opioid use disorder and other behavioral health conditions. Many states have policies to suspend Medicaid during incarceration and then reactivate upon release, but little is known about how these policies are implemented and how they are coordinated across agencies (Medicaid and Corrections). AcademyHealth's new project is hoping to identify barriers and facilitators related to linking incarcerated individuals to Medicaid to support reactivation and enrollment of benefits.

Analyzing Rates of Congenital Syphilis Screening among Pregnant Medicaid Enrollees in Three Southern States

In collaboration with the University of Kentucky, University of South Carolina’s Institute for Families in Society, and University of Louisiana Monroe, AcademyHealth’s Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute is assessing congenital syphilis rates among pregnant Medicaid enrollees in three southern states.