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Insurance, Medicare & Medicaid

Health care coverage, from private insurance to employer-provided health care to public programs like Medicare and Medicaid, can have various impacts on people’s use of health care and, ultimately, their health and well-being.

Blog Post       How MODRN and SUPLN are Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers

How MODRN and SUPLN are Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers

State-university partnerships create opportunities for early career researchers to engage in impactful, data-driven policy work that would be difficult to achieve through traditional academic paths alone.
Blog Post       You Get What You Pay For: Key Insights from the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting on How Payment Policy Affects Minoritized Communities

You Get What You Pay For: Key Insights from the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting on How Payment Policy Affects Minoritized Communities

Emerging research demonstrates how payment policy affects health care delivery for minoritized populations. This blog overviews findings related to CMS innovation models, community benefit spending, value-based purchasing health equity performance metrics, and financial incentives for providers.
Posted Aug 19, 2024 By Kamaria Kaalund

AcademyHealth Announces the Best of 2024 Annual Research Meeting

Research nominated as the best abstract for each theme from the 2024 Call for Abstracts explores topics related to the effects of pediatric mental health integration, the impact of Medicaid value-based payments, influences on hospital charity care spending, and more.