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AcademyHealth Blog

Welcome to the AcademyHealth blog, together with our members, we promote interaction across the health research and policy arenas by bringing together a broad spectrum of players to share their perspectives. Here we offer important perspectives from people passionate about expanding access to care, reducing costs and improving quality, as well as updates on AcademyHealth activities relevant to the community.

Blog Post       Implementation Science: Effective, Engaging Strategies for Virtual Implementation Facilitation

Implementation Science: Effective, Engaging Strategies for Virtual Implementation Facilitation

COVID-19 forced virtual implementation strategies into the spotlight. In this blog post, as part of our series highlighting takeaways from the 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, we explore opportunities and challenges of remote implementation facilitation and share best practices for effective engagement during and after the pandemic.
Posted Jul 21, 2021 By Jennifer Bresnick
Blog Post       Introspection, Innovation, and Impatience: Paradigm Project Members Speak with the Field at ARM 2021

Introspection, Innovation, and Impatience: Paradigm Project Members Speak with the Field at ARM 2021

In a session at the 2021 Annual Research Meeting, Paradigm Project volunteers described innovations to act on diversity, equity, and inclusion, address racial bias in data, and build partnerships with community-based organizations. Panelists shared their lessons learned for building a movement to disrupt the status quo in health services research (HSR) and challenged the field to leverage Paradigm Project practices to spur innovation in order to advance more timely, impactful research.
Posted Jul 13, 2021 By Danielle DeCosta, M.P.H.
Blog Post       More Research is Essential to Improve Care for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries

More Research is Essential to Improve Care for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries

The population dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid was one of the hardest hit by COVID-19. Arielle Mir of Arnold Ventures, an AcademyHealth organizational member, explains how policymakers are urgently seeking solutions to improve their care and experience, but better data infrastructure and research are needed to achieve meaningful change.
Posted Jul 1, 2021 By Arielle Mir