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HSR Workforce Development

One way AcademyHealth works to improve both the supply and quality of health services research is by assessing the skills and composition of the HSR workforce, and building programs that respond to emerging needs. This section includes evidence on the makeup of the HSR workforce as well as programs to improve and support its diversity and relevance.


The Blueprint: March 2021 Paradigm Project Updates

The March edition of the Paradigm Project’s newsletter, The Blueprint, continues the Project’s tradition of looking outside of HSR to inspire innovation by highlighting lessons learned from journalists, a scientist who developed a YouTube channel, and a new paper by Dr. Jonathan Grant for AcademyHealth’s Paradigm Project that reviews nine approaches from other fields to incentivizing academic research to bolster social impact, as well as five “provocations” for AcademyHealth to consider.

Changing Academic Research for Social Good

Research into the way health systems function and affect communities should make a meaningful impact on the lives of the people and places studied. A new paper, commissioned by AcademyHealth’s Paradigm Project, offers new strategies to increase the societal impact that health researchers can have on the communities they study.