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Professional Development Directory

The AcademyHealth Professional Development Catalog provides a detailed list of upcoming virtual offerings including: webinars, Google Hangouts, and seminars led by experts in the field.​

Displaying 121 - 130 of 141
Professional Development

Community-Based Participatory Research: Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities

This introductory-level session will provide an overview of community-based participatory research (CBPR), an increasingly used approach of researchers collaborating with communities to ethically and effectively design research to address health disparities. Nina Wallerstein, Dr.P.H. and Lorenda Belone, Ph.D. from the RWJF Center for Health Policy and the Center for Participatory Research, Department of Family and Community Medicine, at the University of New Mexico, along with one of their Tribal Partners, will present CBPR definitions and principles, the rationale for using this approach, as well as issues, challenges, and strategies for effective CBPR. Examples will be presented of the process of conducting CBPR, including research design and measurement, and its potential for achieving mutually beneficial outcomes, within communities and within University practices. 
101 Free
Professional Development

Research to Practice: Translation in Public Health Systems and Services Research

This seminar focuses on two examples of translation in PHSSR. Participants will learn about designing research questions in partnership with practitioners, conducting research with practice partners, and sharing findings with those who can use them to support the implementation of evidence-based and innovative public health practice.
101 Free
Professional Development

Analytic Considerations for Collecting Data on Race, Ethnicity, and Language

In light of new data requirements as outlined in Section 4302 of the Affordable Care Act, this session will focus on analytic considerations for data collection in health systems. Romana Hasnain-Wynia, Ph.D., director of the Center for Healthcare Equity and an associate professor of research at Northwestern University, will address issues including standardizing and categorizing race/ethnic data which will ultimately help track disparities initiatives and overall progress towards health equity. 
101 Free
Professional Development

The Affordable Care Act (Part II): Section 4302 and Implications for Data Collection

This webinar provides an in-depth look at Section 4302 of the Affordable Care Act and its implications for disparities research. David Meyers of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality will point to specific language that impacts racial/ethnic data collection. Commentary will be provided by José J. Escarce, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles/RAND. 
Professional Development

The Affordable Care Act (Part I): Impacts and Opportunities for Disparities Research

This webinar provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act with emphasis on impacts and opportunities for disparities research. Dr. Brian Smedley addresses implications of the legislation for addressing health inequities and proposes strategies for researchers and communities to work together to address health problems plaguing underserved communities. Dr. Carlessia A. Hussein, director of the Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities for the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene provides a reaction from the state perspective. 
101 Free
Professional Development

Open Data Initiatives & Innovations for Population Health and Health Services I and II

This session engages participants in a discussion about the importance of health services research in helping to optimize the rigor, relevance, and real-time nature of knowledge generation. Panelists review some of the important characteristics that have helped to shape the field of HSR thus far, and discuss the ways in which emerging data trends may lead to a substantial shift in its methods and conduct. 
Professional Development

Back to School: Where are the Data?

This introductory seminar developed with support from the National Library of Medicine's Health Services Research Projects-in-Progress (HSRProj) database provides an overview of how a researcher can determine what data is right for their research question, which sources of federal data to access, and the spectrum of data access. Developed with graduate students and new health services researchers in mind, this seminar explores health data access and data governance to help researchers find appropriate and accessible resources to answer their research questions.
101 Free