ESHPI 2021 At a Glance
The January 2022 edition of the ESHPI newsletter summarizes highlights of the past year.
The Evidence-Informed State Heath Policy Institute shares highlights from 2021, including co-hosting a webinar with the State Health Research and Policy Interest Group on Medicaid data for state health policy researchers, welcoming two new partnerships to the State-University Partnership Learning Network (SUPLN), and engaging the Medicaid Medical Directors Network (MMDN) in a Virtual Workshop. The ESHPI 2021 At a Glance also spotlights the top five most viewed publications of 2021, including a Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network (MODRN) article in JAMA on medications for treatment of opioid use disorder, a MMDN perspective paper on telehealth, and more. Additionally, the newsletter acknowledges the SUPLN and MMDN Steering Committee members that made these activities possible.
To learn more about the Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute, click here.