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ESHPI 2021 At a Glance highlights Institute’s convenings, publications, and leadership in 2021

The Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute kicks off the new year by sharing 2021 highlights, as well as projects our team, in collaboration with our Network members, are working on in 2022.

ESHPI 2021 At a Glance Cover

ESHPI 2021 At a Glance

The January 2022 edition of the ESHPI newsletter summarizes highlights of the past year.

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The Evidence-Informed State Heath Policy Institute shares highlights from 2021, including co-hosting a webinar with the State Health Research and Policy Interest Group on Medicaid data for state health policy researchers, welcoming two new partnerships to the State-University Partnership Learning Network (SUPLN), and engaging the Medicaid Medical Directors Network (MMDN) in a Virtual Workshop. The ESHPI 2021 At a Glance also spotlights the top five most viewed publications of 2021, including a Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network (MODRN) article in JAMA on medications for treatment of opioid use disorder, a MMDN perspective paper on telehealth, and more. Additionally, the newsletter acknowledges the SUPLN and MMDN Steering Committee members that made these activities possible.

To learn more about the Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute, click here.

Caitlin Otter

Former Research Assistant - AcademyHealth

Caitlin Otter is former a Research Assistant at AcademyHealth, where she supported the Evidence-Informed State... Read Bio