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Delivering Better Care

Delivering better care is a broad domain of research that includes assessing and improving the quality of care itself, expanding access to care, and understanding the many ways to organize and improve care in hospitals, health systems and other care settings.

Blog Post       From the Bedside to Research: Navigating Change in Nursing

From the Bedside to Research: Navigating Change in Nursing

As we celebrate National Nurses Week, the AcademyHealth Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues shines a spotlight on the indispensable contributions of nurses to the health care sector. Amid evolving challenges, these frontline professionals continue to lead with resilience and innovation, driving significant changes across the industry.

Report Identifies Barriers to Diagnostic Excellence for Marginalized Communities

Listening sessions hosted by the National Health Council and AcademyHealth elucidated challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing a quality diagnosis, shedding light on disparities in health outcomes. The findings emphasize the importance of addressing biases, economic obstacles, and discrimination to ensure accurate and timely diagnostic processes for all individuals.

Summary Brief Outlines Research Priorities for Improving Health Care Value and Equity

As health care costs continue to rise and health disparities persist, the need to redesign our health care system to deliver better, more equitable care is paramount—and we must have a strong evidence base grounded in the needs of our communities to inform this work. In response to this urgent need, AcademyHealth launched a project in October 2021 with funding from The Donaghue Foundation to advance research on high-value, equitable care.