Blog Post
At the 2021 Annual Research Meeting (ARM), AcademyHealth Board Chair Bruce Landon delivered the Chair’s Address at the “Rock Stars of HSR” session. He highlights three areas of focus for the future including scientific innovation in research, broader and more impactful dissemination, and advances in diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of health services research (HSR).
Blog Post
As the Annual Research Meeting draws to a close, this final post in our series highlighting how AcademyHealth is #MoreThanAMeeting describes our year-round work with several learning networks.
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AcademyHealth provides benefits to our members beyond our upcoming Annual Research Meeting. Our Membership Director Angélica Rodríguez and Board Member Fadia Shaya highlight ways we assess and meet the needs of the field and provide members with learning opportunities to advance their careers.
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Lisa Simpson, AcademyHealth President and CEO, delivered opening remarks at the virtual Annual Research Meeting yesterday, describing how we as a field collectively have the resources, talents, and skills to help make a better, more equitable, and more just normal, the new reality.
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As our Annual Research Meeting kicks off, we’re highlighting all the ways AcademyHealth is #MoreThanAMeeting. AcademyHealth Director Megan Collado, who manages research grantmaking programs, highlights ways we work with grantees to widely disseminate their research findings.
Blog Post
As we prepare for our Annual Research Meeting next week, AcademyHealth President and CEO Dr. Lisa Simpson kicks off a blog series highlighting how AcademyHealth is #MoreThanAMeeting by describing the way we work year-round to improve health and health care for all.
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After several years of working to diversify the health services research (HSR) workforce and build a community through networking and mentoring, we want and need to do much more to accelerate systemic change.
Blog Post
Lisa Simpson, AcademyHealth President and CEO, delivered opening remarks at the first virtual Annual Research Meeting today, highlighting changes needed in the field of HSR in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide protests against racism.
Blog Post
AcademyHealth President and CEO Dr. Lisa Simpson announces AcademyHealth’s decision to cancel the in-person meeting and pivot to a virtual convening later in the summer.
Blog Post
While closely monitoring the impact of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the 2020 Annual Research Meeting (ARM) is proceeding as planned at this time. The status of other AcademyHealth meetings and events is being updated on a case-by-case basis.
Posted Mar 12, 2020