The U.S. paid sick leave landscape
How has the Medicaid expansion affected hospital finances?
Lots of groups have benefited from the Medicaid expansion. Hospitals seem to be one of them.
Taking a Closer Look: The 2018 National Health Interview Survey Redesign
All Aboard: The Next Stop to Improving Health and Health Care
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Medicare Advantage spillovers
Because they may reduce traditional Medicare (TM) spending, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans may not be, on net, as costly as we think. I've written a bit about this spillover effect before, but some new research warrants another look.
Taming the wild west of health data, one Conco - Rodeo at a time
Year two, under our belts. Concordium 2016, a practical health data rodeo, once again successfully brought together health data lassoers, ropers and bronco riders in the form of data scientists...