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AcademyHealth Blog

Welcome to the AcademyHealth blog, together with our members, we promote interaction across the health research and policy arenas by bringing together a broad spectrum of players to share their perspectives. Here we offer important perspectives from people passionate about expanding access to care, reducing costs and improving quality, as well as updates on AcademyHealth activities relevant to the community.

Blog Post       Enhancing Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Data Infrastructure to Address the Opioid Crisis

Enhancing Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Data Infrastructure to Address the Opioid Crisis

The severity and the complexity of the opioid crisis require research that is both patient-centered and supported by robust data infrastructure. Several U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) projects are working across agencies to build the nation’s capacity for exactly this kind of research.
Posted Feb 17, 2021 By Prashila Dullabh, M.D.
Blog Post

AcademyHealth today announced the formation of an Advisory Group on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Health Services Research

The Advisory Group is providing strategic insights on how to develop continuity across AcademyHealth’s diversity, equity and inclusion activities. Members represent a variety of lived experiences, racial/ethnic identities, gender identities, geographies, organizational settings, areas of professional expertise, and career stages.
Posted Jan 14, 2021 By Kristin Rosengren
Blog Post       Considering the Future Impact of COVID on Health Spending

Considering the Future Impact of COVID on Health Spending

As partners in the Going Below The Surface Forum, AcademyHealth and the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) consider the drivers of health spending in the United States through salons focused on challenging questions – which may not have immediate or universally accepted answers – as we attempt to push the conversation beyond the usual stakeholder posturing.
Posted Dec 10, 2020 By Raj Sabharwal, M.P.H.