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Access to Care

Access to care is a complex topic that includes the study of whether sufficient health care resources exist to meet people’s needs, as well as whether people experience physical, financial or other barriers to those services. Evidence in this area can span from whether a rural community has enough specialists, like cardiologists, to whether people in an urban community have transportation or language barriers that make seeing health care providers more difficult.


Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network (MODRN) Corrections to Community (CtC) Study

Enrolling in Medicaid immediately following incarceration is an important tool to support successful reentry, particularly for individuals with opioid use disorder and other behavioral health conditions. Many states have policies to suspend Medicaid during incarceration and then reactivate upon release, but little is known about how these policies are implemented and how they are coordinated across agencies (Medicaid and Corrections). AcademyHealth's new project is hoping to identify barriers and facilitators related to linking incarcerated individuals to Medicaid to support reactivation and enrollment of benefits.