HCCI Expands Access to Data, Announces New Pricing Policy
Niall Brennan of Health Care Cost Institute, an AcademyHealth Organizational Affiliate, announces a new data access and pricing policy to enable robust research needed for informed debate on reform and innovation in the health care system.
Research Finds Expanding Medicaid Boosts Individuals’ Personal Finances
Individuals in Medicaid expansion states experienced positive results across multiple dimensions of personal finance including a reduced likelihood of new medical collections, decreased risk of medical out-of-pocket expenditures, and fewer ultimately unpaid medical bills.
Research Gaps in Health Care Delivery: Retail Clinics’ Expansion into Chronic Condition Care
Retail health clinics are a growing care source now capable of treating the approximately 100 million Americans with diabetes, asthma, or hypertension. AcademyHealth student member Elizabeth Danielson highlights the need for research into cost and quality of this care.
Webinar: Helping Older Dual Eligibles Meet Their Basic Needs - Increasing Access to SNAP and Public Benefit Programs to Reduce Healthcare Cost
During this webinar, panelists provide an overview of new research on the effect of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) enrollment on health care utilization for senior dual eligibles in the state of Maryland and found that participation in SNAP reduces health care costs for low-income older adults.