Understanding the factors that increase or reduce costs and the ways that payments affect the choices people make can help improve health and health care decision making.
This webinar, hosted by the Research Community on Low-Value Care, focuses on the potential for using data from electronic health records (EHRs) for low-value care research.
Date & Time September 7, 2018, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET
Location Online
Presentations at this year’s Annual Research Meeting underscored the importance of looking beyond the numbers to assess value, both in terms of the ultimate cost/benefit of an intervention as well as the factors that we assume influence value.
New research from Ishani Ganguli of Harvard Medical School examines the factors that can influence health care costs for high-cost patients and reveals a complex relationship between trust, patient activation and cost.
Individuals enrolled in HDHPs face high cost sharing and stand to benefit from engaging in consumer behaviors to help them save money; yet, few enrollees are engaging in these consumer behaviors.
Recent findings from AcademyHealth’s Payment Reform for Population Health Initiative, featured in Health Affairs yesterday, identify several strategies to leverage current Medicaid authorities to promote and provide prevention services.
Robin Gelburd of FAIR Health, an AcademyHealth organizational affiliate, highlights findings from a recent white paper around the growth of alternative places of health care service and medical pricing.
Financial alignment across the health care and social services sectors is a promising strategy to encourage collaboration to improve population health. This paper, commissioned by AcademyHealth's Payment Reform for Population Health program, outlines two approaches for aligning incentives: parallel risk and hierarchical risk.
AcademyHealth's Payment Reform for Population Health team identified four major element domains that influence the conditions and collaborations associated with how health care purchasers, plans, and providers might support strategies for sustainable funding and financing activities and infrastructure that can bolster non-clinical community-wide population health.