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Quality Improvement

Evidence to support quality improvement leads to better patient outcomes and more efficient and effective systems of care. It includes expanding our understanding and application of what works best, when, as well as efforts that seek to reduce harms and unnecessary care.


Managing and Learning from Payment and Delivery System Reform

​From 2012-2015, AcademyHealth worked with nine RWJF payment reform grantees that are implementing innovative payment reform projects to drive high-value health care in their communities. By providing technical assistance and fostering a learning network, AcademyHealth supported their work and informed strategic conversations among these grantees and other RWJF grantees working to implement payment reform.

Enhancing Systems of Care for Children with Medical Complexity (CMC) Coordinating Center

AcademyHealth, in partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital, FamilyVoices, the University of California San Francisco, Patient Advocate Foundation, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, is leading a Coordinating Center to support five Health Resources & Services Administration (HSRA)-funded demonstration sites to optimize the health and well-being for children with medical complexity and their families while also achieving health equity for these populations.