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AcademyHealth Blog

Welcome to the AcademyHealth blog, together with our members, we promote interaction across the health research and policy arenas by bringing together a broad spectrum of players to share their perspectives. Here we offer important perspectives from people passionate about expanding access to care, reducing costs and improving quality, as well as updates on AcademyHealth activities relevant to the community.

Blog Post

HCFO: A Chapter Closes, but the Evidence Endures

After nearly 30 years, the final grants funded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) initiative are coming to a close at the end of December. This work has built on AcademyHealth’s broader efforts to get actionable evidence that can improve health and health care into the hands of decision makers when they need it and in a format they can use.
Blog Post

Beyond the Headlines: Using Evidence to Inform Health Policy Debates

As we head into inauguration day and prepare for a new administration to enter the White House, we hold firm in our principle that policies affecting health and performance of the health system should be informed by the best and most relevant evidence.