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Health Equity

Evidence on how to evaluate, address and improve equity is an important area of work for AcademyHealth and its community of members and partners.


The Blueprint: October 2021 Paradigm Project Updates

The latest edition of the Blueprint spotlights the Paradigm Project’s most recent report that examines open science and includes possible next steps for the field including developing a common open science terminology, creating an open science interest group, designing open science trainings, and leveraging federal law to increase access to data.
Blog Post

Nursing Health Services Researchers Stand Firm in the Fight for Racial Equity and Justice

Dismantling structural racism and charting a path toward achieving equity and justice in professional health services organizations remains a priority. Members from the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues (IRGNI) propose sustainable, actionable steps to strengthen diversity and inclusivity of historically underrepresented experts in the field.
Topics Health Equity
Blog Post

Shortening the Evidence to Policy Pipeline at the Veterans Administration: Honoring Dr. Tom Edes

Members of the AcademyHealth Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Interest Group honor Thomas Edes, M.D. with the Roger C. Lipitz Leadership Award, noting his contributions to the field and work addressing aging and disability care needs within the Veterans Administration.
Blog Post       New Resources Enable Investigators to Expand Research into Dual-Eligible Individuals

New Resources Enable Investigators to Expand Research into Dual-Eligible Individuals

Lack of data regarding dual-eligible individuals has long hindered the development of effective policy solutions and care improvement. AcademyHealth organizational member Arnold Ventures highlights new resources to help the research community strengthen and expand evidence at a critical time in the policy debate.
Posted Sep 27, 2021 By Arielle Mir
Blog Post

Hysterectomy Rates Differ by Race and Geography, with Greater Racial Disparities Tied to County Socioeconomic Status

Hysterectomy is the second most common surgical procedure for non-elderly women. While highly effective for some conditions, rates are generally declining in the United States due to tensions between its risks and benefits. The decline in use, however, is greater for white women than Black women.  This ‘plain language summary’ reviews findings from a new study that indicates this disparity is amplified in areas with higher socioeconomic status.
Posted Sep 24, 2021 By Kristin Rosengren
Blog Post       Data Infrastructure Efforts to Support Maternal Health Featured in Health Affairs

Data Infrastructure Efforts to Support Maternal Health Featured in Health Affairs

Designed to build data capacity for conducting patient-centered outcomes research, ASPE’s Office of the Secretary Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund has funded several cross-agency projects aimed at improving maternal health. A new Health Affairs blog post describes these efforts and highlights guiding principles for moving forward.