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Paying for Care

Health care costs are a significant area of concern for everyone from patients to policymakers. Health services research evidence looks at different ways to address cost growth, encourage efficiency and quality, and provide for care via insurance, Medicare and Medicaid so that people receive the best care at the best value.


Trends in the Supply, Utilization, and Payment for Primary Care Services in New Jersey FamilyCare before and after ACA Medicaid Expansion

This report examines trends in the supply of primary care services to NJ FamilyCare – which includes Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) – during a time of rising enrollment and multiple changes in primary care payment policy at the federal and state levels.
Blog Post

The Healthy Marketplace Index: Furthering Transparency to Improve our Understanding of Commercial Healthcare Markets Across the Country

A new report from the Health Care Cost Institute, an AcademyHealth organizational affiliate, examined relative healthcare prices across the U.S. and found widespread healthcare price variation across metro areas.