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Quality Improvement

Evidence to support quality improvement leads to better patient outcomes and more efficient and effective systems of care. It includes expanding our understanding and application of what works best, when, as well as efforts that seek to reduce harms and unnecessary care.

Blog Post

Hysterectomy Rates Differ by Race and Geography, with Greater Racial Disparities Tied to County Socioeconomic Status

Hysterectomy is the second most common surgical procedure for non-elderly women. While highly effective for some conditions, rates are generally declining in the United States due to tensions between its risks and benefits. The decline in use, however, is greater for white women than Black women.  This ‘plain language summary’ reviews findings from a new study that indicates this disparity is amplified in areas with higher socioeconomic status.
Posted Sep 24, 2021 By Kristin Rosengren
Blog Post       Reflecting on the Current and Future State of Pediatric Quality Measurement and Improvement

Reflecting on the Current and Future State of Pediatric Quality Measurement and Improvement

A panel of experts shared their insights on the shifting dynamics in pediatric care and research and discussed how performance measurement and improvement in pediatric care can be further advanced to improve overall outcomes