Blog Post
Previous evidence indicates that people exposed to police brutality are more likely to face mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder, that Black people and people of color are more likely to experience police brutality, and, that these same populations are more likely to have unmet needs for mental health care. This plain language summary highlights new research from Alang et al. that connects these themes and demonstrates for the first time that exposure to police brutality is itself associated with unmet mental health needs.
Blog Post
This month’s "Read on Washington," available only to AcademyHealth members, includes updates on federal appropriations, Build Back Better, ARPA-H negotiations, and more.
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2020 AcademyHealth Delivery System Science Fellows reflect on the benefits of the fellowship and lessons learned while being embedded within health systems.
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With the 2022 Call for Abstracts now open, watch the video reel highlighting key points from the 2021 Annual Research Meeting closing plenary in which experts discussed revamping the public health system by investing in data infrastructure, a diverse workforce, and research.
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The Preparedness and Treatment Equity Coalition (PTEC) is supporting four teams develop implementable, data-driven research to decrease inequity in the health care system. These projects were identified in partnership with AcademyHealth and a work group comprised of PTEC members and partners.
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While disadvantage indices are increasingly recognized as a valuable tool to help promote health and prioritize equity, future use of these tools must include investments in data infrastructure, community partnerships, and further evaluation.
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AcademyHealth continues to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the health services and policy workforce. This blog post provides an update on recent activities and highlights new resources for the field.
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This month’s “Read on Washington”, available only to AcademyHealth members, includes updates on federal appropriations, ARPA-H negotiations, prescription drug pricing, and more.
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With the recent expiration of the federal eviction moratorium and the heightened focus on social determinants of health during the COVID-19 pandemic, this new cross-state analysis of permanent supportive housing programs is timelier than ever.
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As the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) moves to strengthen its price transparency efforts, a panel of experts recently discussed what advancements are necessary to provide consumers with accurate, useful information to make informed decisions about the cost and quality of care.