State-University Partnerships: Bridging Evidence to Policymaking
With a new administration comes uncertainty for the future of state health policy and Medicaid. Now more than ever, state-university partnerships are critical for advancing AcademyHealth’s mission to support the use of evidence to inform policy and practice.
HCFO: A Chapter Closes, but the Evidence Endures
After nearly 30 years, the final grants funded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) initiative are coming to a close at the end of December. This work has built on AcademyHealth’s broader efforts to get actionable evidence that can improve health and health care into the hands of decision makers when they need it and in a format they can use.
Surprise out-of-network doctor bills are much more common than we thought
Cost-related barriers to care are still a problem int he United States. New data show they're much more common than we think.
Finding Focus Through Library Resources: One Student’s Story
For those college students who are interested in medicine, health sciences and systems, or health policy, library resources can serve as a guide through the waves of information. The National Library of Medicine recently launched one such helpful guide.
Explaining the Value of Data Sharing: Lessons Learned
The Community Health Peer Learning Program and Data Across Sectors for Health share lessons learned from explaining the value of data in health care.
Beyond the Headlines: Using Evidence to Inform Health Policy Debates
As we head into inauguration day and prepare for a new administration to enter the White House, we hold firm in our principle that policies affecting health and performance of the health system should be informed by the best and most relevant evidence.
Medicaid ACOs in Massachusetts
Time of CPR and likelihood of survival for kids in the hospital
Children are less likely to survive CPR in the hospital if their arrest happens at night.
Prognostication Articles: Health Policy in 2017 and Beyond
Last week’s election has resulted in a number of perspectives and prognostications on what the results of the election mean and how they could impact health and health care, health research, and the science enterprise more broadly. Below is a sample of what we’ve been reading this week: