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HSR Resources & Methods

AcademyHealth provides information on the latest developments in the field of health services research (HSR). In this section you will find evidence and tools for understanding the HSR literature, making optimal use of existing methods and evaluating and using new methods for research.


How AcademyHealth Worked to Make Health and Health Care Better for Everybody from 2015-2017

This 2015-2017 Progress Report details how AcademyHealth worked with our members, partners, and funders to make both health care and research better all with the aim of making health and health care better for everybody.

Four Elements that Influence Payment Reform for Population Health

AcademyHealth's Payment Reform for Population Health team identified four major element domains that influence the conditions and collaborations associated with how health care purchasers, plans, and providers might support strategies for sustainable funding and financing activities and infrastructure that can bolster non-clinical community-wide population health.
Blog Post

So What? Helping Stakeholders See the Value in Research Results

Keeping stakeholders engaged throughout the research process is essential to ensuring research makes a difference in policy and practice. Laura Lagendyk of NVivo, an AcademyHealth Organizational Affiliate, shares a practical example of one way to help stakeholders make the link between data and the relevance to the research.
Posted Sep 19, 2017 By Laura Lagendyk