Evidence around translation, dissemination and implementation helps the field of health services research move its findings more effectively into policy and practice. This section offers evidence and programs that help research producers better understand the needs of research users, helps place research in context, and test new and innovative approaches to moving knowledge into action.
As our Annual Research Meeting kicks off, we’re highlighting all the ways AcademyHealth is #MoreThanAMeeting. AcademyHealth Director Megan Collado, who manages research grantmaking programs, highlights ways we work with grantees to widely disseminate their research findings.
June’s edition of The Blueprint includes three new Paradigm Project publications: two blog posts that draw inspiration from other fields in reimagining HSR, and an issue brief that summarizes a February convening on greater use of real-world data in HSR and related issues.
The May 2021 Blueprint includes the Paradigm Project’s latest commissioned Horizon Scan on innovative approaches to funding, tips to enhance science communication, reflections on “preprint culture,” a new “What-If” visualization to help users think about equity in algorithms, and more.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced researchers and funding organizations to think outside of the box when soliciting, applying for, and funding health services research. A new ParadigmProject paper looks at the novel approaches leveraged during the pandemic, which could provide a roadmap for shifting the HSR paradigm to more rapidly fund timely research.
Using COVID-19 vaccine distribution as an example, AcademyHealth members illustrate the need for a health equity framework to help avoid the perpetuation of disparities already embedded in our systems and processes, or create new ones.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many conferences, webinars, and events to shift online. This tip sheet offers practical guidance on how to effectively deliver research to a virtual audience.
Dan Gorenstein, host and executive producer of the national health policy podcast Tradeoffs, highlights ways health policy researchers and academics can share their work with reporters.
This month’s edition of The Blueprint takes a closer look at innovative alternatives to peer review in funding decisions such as grant lotteries, includes an interactive tool to assess whether research and policy advances health equity, and describes a new study on why your tweet about your scholarly article probably won’t get many clicks.
Thinking about how disciplines evolve can help HSR leaders make sense of the forces of change churning in and around the field. The goal should be to make innovation a mainstay in HSR to produce relevant and timely research that improves both health and health care.
In this interactive, members-only event, AcademyHealth staff, Lauren Adams, Director of Communications and Public Relations, and Angel Han, Research Associate, provided practical guidance for delivering effective and engaging virtual presentations.
Date & Time April 7, 2021, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Location Online