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Translation, Dissemination & Implementation

Evidence around translation, dissemination and implementation helps the field of health services research move its findings more effectively into policy and practice. This section offers evidence and programs that help research producers better understand the needs of research users, helps place research in context, and test new and innovative approaches to moving knowledge into action.

Past Event

HSRProj Back to School Webinar: How to Search, Communicate, and Disseminate Your Research

This introductory seminar explored effective search, communication, and dissemination strategies and provided an overview of resources publicly available through the National Library of Medicine for public health and health services and policy researchers to use in their work.
Date & Time August 21, 2019, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET Location Online
Blog Post

Five Recommendations for How Implementation Science Can Better Advance Equity

Implementation researchers, practitioners, and funders considered how to better support equitable implementation and outcomes. They make five recommendations from changing how we talk about implementation science to how we execute it and who we engage along the way.
Posted Apr 5, 2019 By Kim DuMont, Allison Metz, Ph.D., Beadsie Woo