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Translation, Dissemination & Implementation

Evidence around translation, dissemination and implementation helps the field of health services research move its findings more effectively into policy and practice. This section offers evidence and programs that help research producers better understand the needs of research users, helps place research in context, and test new and innovative approaches to moving knowledge into action.


Rapid Evidence Review: What are effective approaches for recruiting and retaining rural primary care health professionals?

This rapid evidence review found that while few approaches have a positive effect on both recruitment and retention, some individual strategies are effective in drawing providers to rural areas and combining individual interventions may be the most effective way to expand and maintain the rural primary care workforce.
Blog Post

So What? Helping Stakeholders See the Value in Research Results

Keeping stakeholders engaged throughout the research process is essential to ensuring research makes a difference in policy and practice. Laura Lagendyk of NVivo, an AcademyHealth Organizational Affiliate, shares a practical example of one way to help stakeholders make the link between data and the relevance to the research.
Posted Sep 19, 2017 By Laura Lagendyk