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Health Equity

Evidence on how to evaluate, address and improve equity is an important area of work for AcademyHealth and its community of members and partners.


Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network: Equity and Quality Improvement for Medicaid Programs (MODRN EQUIP)

AcademyHealth's Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute, as the Administrative Coordinating Center for the Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network, supports the University of Pittsburgh and 11 additional state-university research teams to develop opioid use disorder (OUD) quality measures that can be constructed at the provider level, incorporate patient experience, and center health equity.

The Role of Homelessness and Supportive Housing in Health Care Disparities among Adults in Medicaid

With support from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), Rutgers University and the University of Pittsburgh, in collaboration with AcademyHealth, aim to examine the potential of permanent supportive housing programs to mitigate health disparities among Medicaid enrollees experiencing homelessness.