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Public & Population Health

Public and population health evidence helps us understand how we deliver and integrate services that affect the health of communities, and how we promote healthy communities.

Blog Post

Population Health Over the Next Decade: Celebrating The Milbank Quarterly’s Centennial

The Milbank Quarterly's centennial anniversary issue, The Future of Population Health: Major Challenges and Opportunities, honors the journal’s legacy by looking ahead. Articles examine climate change, policing as a social determinant of health, the next alternative payment models, and much more.
Blog Post

Conducting Health Equity Research During COVID: Course Correcting Future Multi-Site Research

The final post in our Weitzman Institute blog series on conducting health equity research during the COVID-19 pandemic highlights lessons learned in a national, multi-site study involving the implementation of a novel intervention in Federally Qualified Health Centers.
Blog Post

Conducting Health Equity Research During COVID: Leveraging Partnerships to Improve Health Literacy

This third post in our Weitzman Institute blog series on conducting health equity research during the COVID-19 pandemic highlights research-related challenges and opportunities in working with community-based organizations and local government agencies.
Blog Post

Conducting Health Equity Research Beyond COVID-19

This post is the first in the Health Equity Research Beyond COVID-19 Series, which highlights lessons learned when conducting research with marginalized and vulnerable communities during the pandemic, and implications for how to ensure the way in which we go about doing research is patient- and community-affirming.
Posted Jan 30, 2023 By April Joy Damian, Ph.D., M.Sc.