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AcademyHealth Blog

Welcome to the AcademyHealth blog, together with our members, we promote interaction across the health research and policy arenas by bringing together a broad spectrum of players to share their perspectives. Here we offer important perspectives from people passionate about expanding access to care, reducing costs and improving quality, as well as updates on AcademyHealth activities relevant to the community.

Blog Post

Breaking through the hype in health care: What can machine learning really do for your patients?

The holy grail in health care is not fancier technology and tools, it is physician and patient behavior change. Machine learning will truly come of age when it can improve the decision-making of clinicians and patients or improve their efficiency in carrying out the actions that follow from those decisions.
Posted Feb 21, 2018 By Jean Drouin, M.D., M.B.A.
Blog Post

New Research to Examine Markets, Medicaid and More

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently awarded seven grants with broad relevance to current health reform debates. From analysis of insurer marketplace exits to the effects of Medicaid expansion on physicians’ capacity to meet rising demand, these studies will produce findings to inform a range of current and potential health policies in the U.S.
Posted Feb 5, 2018