AcademyHealth provides information on the latest developments in the field of health services research (HSR). In this section you will find evidence and tools for understanding the HSR literature, making optimal use of existing methods and evaluating and using new methods for research.
Expert Advisors submitted detailed recommendations for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health Services and Policy Research in July 2021. A brief, one page summary of the report is now available.
External advisors have submitted their report and recommendations to AcademyHealth to inform the development of a sustainable, action-oriented strategy to address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the field.
User-centered design helps make health interventions more engaging and effective for both patient participants and health care staff. How can implementation teams leverage user-centered design to achieve better outcomes?
Until recently, there were no preprint servers for medical and health sciences. In this post, Harlan Krumholz and Joseph Ross, co-founders of medRxiv, describe the benefits of preprints and highlight features of their preprint server for health sciences launched in June 2019.
At our 2021 Annual Research Meeting, AcademyHealth hosted a conversation on navigating challenges and building a successful career in the field of health services research (HSR). Whether you’re new to the field or an experienced professional, this members-only tip sheet can help you evaluate your next career move.
In a session at the 2021 Annual Research Meeting, Paradigm Project volunteers described innovations to act on diversity, equity, and inclusion, address racial bias in data, and build partnerships with community-based organizations. Panelists shared their lessons learned for building a movement to disrupt the status quo in health services research (HSR) and challenged the field to leverage Paradigm Project practices to spur innovation in order to advance more timely, impactful research.
At our 2021 Annual Research Meeting, AcademyHealth hosted a conversation on how to get and maintain funding. Whether you’re applying for funding from foundations, non-profits, government agencies, or other institutions, this members-only tip sheet can help you fund your research priorities.
The Blueprint spotlights the Paradigm Project’s latest release, Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Health Services and Policy Research Workforce, which provides recommendations to the field of HSR to increase workforce diversity.
The theme of scientific innovation featured prominently as this year’s Annual Research Meeting. Speakers across panels pointed to opportunities for the field of health services research to better address the needs of decisionmakers.