This brief summarizes key points from a May 2021 meeting convened by AcademyHealth as part of the Paradigm Project to explore redesigning academic incentives to prioritize the social impact of health services research. The meeting underscored the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion -- among other factors -- in incentivizing research that has impact.
Thinking about how disciplines evolve can help HSR leaders make sense of the forces of change churning in and around the field. The goal should be to make innovation a mainstay in HSR to produce relevant and timely research that improves both health and health care.
September’s issue of the Paradigm Project newsletter, The Blueprint, examines equity, community engagement in research, and innovations in data and methods.
The February 2020 issue of the Blueprint features two Learning Community members and their Design Teams’ work to enhance community member involvement in researchers’ decision-making and increase access to and transparency of research findings.
The January 2020 issue of the Blueprint highlights one Learning Community member’s perspective on the potential impact of technological and societal trends for the field of health services research—a focus of one of the project’s 17 Design Teams.
The November issue of the Blueprint, the regular Paradigm Project update from AcademyHealth, features a behind-the-scenes glimpse into one Design Team’s challenge, a spotlight on a Learning Community member, and the project’s first published white paper about alternatives to peer review in the research funding process.
The advancement of the health services research enterprise depends heavily on how research funding is allocated. As the field seeks to bolster its relevance for policy and practice, it is instructive to examine the benefits and challenges of peer review and its alternatives as tools in deciding what research to fund.