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Data Sharing

Health care data are generated and stored in a wide variety of formats. How can data users access and share data in order to learn from it? Health services researchers and data users are looking at data sharing to improve health and health care.


Evidence Use in Medicaid: Understanding the Impact of Long COVID on Vulnerable Populations

With support from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), AcademyHealth’s Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute is developing a research agenda and action-oriented research toolkit that identifies and prioritizes patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) questions related to the impacts of long COVID.

Health Data Privacy and Security

Since 2016, AcademyHealth has worked with the California Health Care Foundation to assist digital health market entrants understand their responsibilities under and effectively navigate the Privacy and Security Rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as well as other federal and California privacy and security laws.

Enhancing Systems of Care for Children with Medical Complexity (CMC) Coordinating Center

AcademyHealth, in partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital, FamilyVoices, the University of California San Francisco, Patient Advocate Foundation, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, is leading a Coordinating Center to support five Health Resources & Services Administration (HSRA)-funded demonstration sites to optimize the health and well-being for children with medical complexity and their families while also achieving health equity for these populations.

Analysis of Use of Non-Opioid Controlled Substances and Treatment of Non-Opioid Substances Use Disorders Among Medicaid Beneficiaries

With support from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment & Access Commission, AcademyHealth’s Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute, in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh, is exploring the use of non-opioid controlled substances and the treatment of non-opioid substance use disorders.