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Data Sharing

Health care data are generated and stored in a wide variety of formats. How can data users access and share data in order to learn from it? Health services researchers and data users are looking at data sharing to improve health and health care.

Blog Post

Harmonizing Data & Facilitating Its Use Across Entities to Advance the Learning Health Care System

Kim Warren, Carlos Ramos Gomez-Rejón, and Anne Gauthier of MITRE, an AcademyHealth organizational affiliate, reflect on the 2018 Annual Research Meeting (ARM) sharing three critical factors at play in the ability to leverage data to advance learning health systems.
Blog Post

Blockchain: Now that you have some understanding about what blockchain is and how it works, what does it mean for health care?

Blockchain has the potential to fundamentally change the way we transact, automating agreements while reducing the need for trust and intermediaries in multi-party transactions- How can you take advantage of blockchain for health-related applications today and in the future?