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Insurance, Medicare & Medicaid

Health care coverage, from private insurance to employer-provided health care to public programs like Medicare and Medicaid, can have various impacts on people’s use of health care and, ultimately, their health and well-being.

Blog Post

Medicaid Expansion Enrollees in Michigan Make Gains in Employment Prior to Implementation of State’s Work Requirement

Employment and student activities increased among Michigan Medicaid expansion enrollees, outpacing employment gains among the state’s general population during the same time period.

1115 Waivers Can Help Expand Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment, but Coordination and System Capacity Remain a Challenge

Learn how two early-adopter states used Section 1115 Medicaid waivers to improve access to substance use disorder services. The project is part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems program, which is managed by AcademyHealth.