The aim of public and private funders of health services research is not only to support studies on the health care system and health care services, but also to disseminate results to policymakers.
In partnership with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, AcademyHealth supports the funding of research addressing pre-hospital diagnostic delays related to cancer, sepsis, and acute cardiovascular events.
AcademyHealth, supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF), seeks to engage health services and policy researchers in building evidence to understand and address inequities in the diagnostic journey.
The State-University Partnership Learning Network (SUPLN) is an ongoing collaboration that works to facilitate peer-to-peer learning and dialogue among state-university partnerships through various ways including hosting meetings and bi-monthly web conferences with the goal of improving the cost and quality of care of the Medicaid program.
With funding support from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), AcademyHealth’s Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute and the University of Pittsburgh will leverage 11 university research partnerships of the Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network (MODRN) to examine the role of place, providers, plans, and policies in driving racial and ethnic inequities in access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD).
AcademyHealth's Evidence-Informed State Health Policy Institute supports this research network that enables participating states to harness multi-state Medicaid data to address issues of national public health importance and measure the impact of innovative policies and interventions.
The National Interoperability Collaborative is a new initiative designed to increase collaboration among the sectors that impact health and well-being by improving information-sharing, interoperability, and use of technology.
With support from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), Rutgers University and the University of Pittsburgh, in collaboration with AcademyHealth, aim to examine the potential of permanent supportive housing programs to mitigate health disparities among Medicaid enrollees experiencing homelessness.
A dynamic hub of innovative, data-driven research on the workforce responsible for providing mental health and substance use services.
AcademyHealth’s Translation and Dissemination Institute helps the field of health services research move its findings more effectively into policy and practice. It undertakes activities that enable research producers to better understand the needs of research users, helps place research in context, and serves as an incubator for new and innovative approaches to moving knowledge into action.
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