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Access to Care

Access to care is a complex topic that includes the study of whether sufficient health care resources exist to meet people’s needs, as well as whether people experience physical, financial or other barriers to those services. Evidence in this area can span from whether a rural community has enough specialists, like cardiologists, to whether people in an urban community have transportation or language barriers that make seeing health care providers more difficult.


Field Guide Offers Promising Insights for Implementation and Evaluation of Section 1115 Medicaid Demonstrations

AcademyHealth’s Medicaid Demonstration Evaluation Learning Collaborative fostered shared learning among state agency and research partners on common themes and challenges in the implementation and evaluation of Section 1115 demonstrations. This resulting field guide reveals the real-world lessons in evaluation design and measurement.

1115 Waivers Can Help Expand Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment, but Coordination and System Capacity Remain a Challenge

Learn how two early-adopter states used Section 1115 Medicaid waivers to improve access to substance use disorder services. The project is part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems program, which is managed by AcademyHealth.